Doctor of Philosophy Program
in Economics(International Program)
Students’ performances are to be evaluated through letter grades, according to the steps below, except where the S or U grading system is used.
There are eight possible level of grades, i.e. A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D and F. And each letter grade corresponds to its numerical counterpart in the following way:
A is equal to grade point average of 4.0
B+ is equal to grade point average of 3.5
B is equal to grade point average of 3.0
C+ is equal to grade point average of 2.5
C is equal to grade point average of 2.0
D+ is equal to grade point average of 1.5
D is equal to grade point average of 1.0
F is equal to grade point average of 0
Courses which set criteria of measurement and evaluation use other letters such as :
S means satisfactory
U means unsatisfactory
I means incomplete
P means Progress
V means visitor
W means withdraw
In the required course within Faculty of Economics, a student must obtain at least grade C or S, or must register again.A course which sets criteria of measurement and evaluation S or U are 751899, 753898 and 753899